If you're just getting started playing Vindictus, it can be a little confusing. Learn how Vindictus differs from other online games that you're used to.
Once you have downloaded Vindictus, read the Vindictus Beginner's Guide, and selected a character to play, it's time to begin learning the intricacies of the game.
The game begins with a cut-sequence and tutorial where you learn basic combat maneuvers by defeating a giant spider.
Performing Combat Maneuvers
If you are using the keyboard/mouse setup, attacks can be performed using the left or right mouse buttons. The left mouse button performs Normal Attacks. Normal attacks are very quick, but weak attacks that are used to chain combos together. The right mouse button performs what Vindictus(cheap vindictus gold) calls Smash attacks.
Smash attacks are much stronger than Normal attacks, but cost stamina, and take longer to accomplish. Smash attacks are typically reserved for a finishing move when chaining attacks together like: Normal Attack, Normal Attack, Smash Attack.
Depending on what skills you have trained, an attack sequence like Normal Attack, Normal Attack, Smash Attack may even trigger a special ability. Abilities like Smash: Thousand Needles, which is a combat maneuver that Lann acquires, queue up after you’ve performed a certain sequence of attacks in a specific order.
Stories in Vindictus
Stories in Vindictus are what other MMO games would correctly call quests. While this may have simply been one of the things that was lost in translation, it was more than likely an attempt by Vindictus to be unnecessarily different.
Stories are given to you by NPCs in town. A yellow exclamation mark indicates that an NPC has a “story” to tell you, while stories that you can turn in are indicated by a yellow question mark -- which are both basically identical indicators used for the quest systems of other online games such as WoW.