You can access your story screen by pressing the ‘M’ key to check your objectives.
Vindictus Missions
As you advance in level you unlock missions that can be accessed by visiting the docks and boarding a ship. Stories will typically lead you to missions where you will complete the story’s objectives.
When you approach the dock you can choose to join an existing party (if one is available) or launch a mission for yourself.
Battle points are assigned by the oaths you take when you start the mission. If you select no oaths, you receive the default number of battle points for the mission. To receive additional battle points you must select an additional oath such as “Complete mission with fewer than 3 players,” or “Complete mission in under 20 minutes.”
Missions consist of multiple stages where you will work your way through a closed-off zone engaging in combat with NPC monsters. Missions in Vindictus(cheap vindictus gold) are similar to “instances” in other games, in that the copy of the zone is available only to you and your party members.
When you reach the end of the final stage, you will engage an NPC boss or multiple bosses which you must defeat to clear the mission.
Loot System in Vindictus
Looting is handled on a group-loot basis. When loot is dropped, each player can loot it, and each player will receive a random item. Naturally some items will be more valuable than others; but due to the random nature of loot -- and the fact that each player gets a chance to loot every item -- it is ultimately fair.
Now that you've got a taste for Vindictus gameplay, it's time for you to get your feet wet by trying to complete a few stories. Visit the Mercenary Outpost to get started.