As described on our forums we have just merged into a new updated build from Epic Games China, including the latest build of Unreal Engine 3.
What we are doing at the moment is extensive testing of the new build before we are going live with it. So far it’s been going pretty smooth and it’s a much easier merge than our last major merge we did before release. This build is vital for our game as it solves a few issues players are experiencing today.
What this new update gives us is the following:
• Updated visuals overall in Mortal Online
• New trees and vegetation including SpeedTree 5.2 support. (We need to evaluate this some more before fully going over to ST, to see how it impacts the performance.) You will still get new tree models even without SpeedTree enabled.
• Better server stability and performance, we can now support a few more thousands of players simultaneously.
• A fully working prediction/interpolation system which will make player position updates and combat moves much more accurate
• A new lightning and shadow system which should look better than what we use today, and the performance should be much better
• Flash support. The old GUI will eventually be phased out and replaced with a new one. This will significantly increase the speed and response time, it will enable us to make it much more coherent and informative, not to mention it will look a lot better.
We will also add a few things included in the above patch such as bug fixes and the next iteration of the fishing system for instance. It’s still hard to give an exact date for this patch, but we aim to test it live within 2-3 weeks. We will update under development section as soon as we have a bit more accurate date.
Overall status report
We are going to have one last patch on our old build before we go over to this new build. This patch is supposed to solve any skill issues we have had once and for all. For you who are suffering from any skill bug, please take the opportunity to login to test to see if it’s fully solved, we plan to do this test tomorrow and it shouldn’t take more than one hour. Look on our forums for more information on this. To solve the rest of our current issues we have to move over to the new build.