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Fiona Character Build and Combat Skills in Vindictus
The Extreme Edition skill is only for the Extreme Edition version that’s the easy version of the game and it will be implemented sometime in December or later. IF you’re wondering what is this skill well it’s actually a skill that allows you charge at your enemies and damage them. Vindictus Online Gold is only required if you created a character on Extreme Server only.
Fiona’s third skill is called the Heavy Stander. Only thing different about this skill, that it allows you to defend against smash attack and it reduces half of all damage but it will reduce all damage if the skill ranking is A or higher. The draw back about this skill is not able to do the counter attack while performing this skill and the shield damage is greater than the damage receive from guard. To get this skill you must reach lvl 4 and beat the decisive battle and talk to Marrec. Also if you managed to reach your Guard Rank up to D, just talk to him again and you will receive a skill book that has the skill already in it.
The most important skill is the Combat Mastery; it will increase the damage from normal attacks and increases the damage on equipped weapons such as swords and hammers. But you will not get any increase damage from temporary weapons such as pots, wooden poles and others. The only way to receive this skill is to reach lvl 9 and have about 8,400 Vindictus Gold and purchased from Ceara. Also the second most important skill is the Defense Mastery that just increases your character defenses. This skill can be bought at the same price as Combat Skill from Ceara.
Well sadly all the information that I have are currently for some of the skill that Fiona that has been accessed through the close beta. Eventually all the skills will be available on Vindictus Wiki website and I will do my best to provide you with more information about Fiona’s Skill during the early beta as soon as I can. I hope that all the information providers that help out with the Vindictus Online Gold will be rewarded with some kind of badge or title when the game is available to everyone who lives in the United States.
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