Vindictus News List
Vindictus Releases "Unveiling the Truth" Update
Nexon has released the Unveiling the Truth content update for Vindictus, the award-winning physics-based action MMORPG. Today, mercenaries find out the true motive behind the rebellion at Ortel castle..
Online Combat Game with Quests and Missions
If youre just getting started playing Vindictus, it can be a little confusing. Learn how Vindictus differs from other online games that youre used to.Once you have downloaded Vindictus, read the Vindi..
Vindictus Lost Artifact Update Ushers in a Boatload of New Content
Vindictus players are in for a legendary treat this Valentines Day. The largest content update the game has experienced will hit on Wednesday. The Lost Artifact update increases the level cap from 44 ..
We Just Played Vindictus
Vindictus, such as the games open beta status and new cash-op--the in-game store that lets you trade real money for in-game items. The cash-op lets you primarily purchase only two types of items: conv..
Feeling of Vindictus
Vindictus is Nexons games, in providing quartal, it runs in North America. He is from the Mabinogi. Mabinogi pursuit of a fantasy type experience, but there are many bloody scenes Vindictus gold, you ..
Vindictus Games
Vindictus of the Burning Sea sets in the period of 18th century in Caribbean, where players choose one of the four nations(Spain, France, Pirates, England) to start their adventure. Although SOE has a..
Relevant experience to upgrade and earn money
Vindictus to 44 has been good to do the task quickly, and then team up to brush a layer called the Dragon Emperor Dragon 1.Vindictus Gold Oh.Vindictus Gold, of course, what some fragments of what the ..
Fiona Character Build and Combat Skills in Vindictus
Vindictus is a stable warrior who chooses to weld a sword and shield. She also relies on her shield to protect herself from enemys attacks and able to surprise her foes when they arent looking. When s..
Role-playing game
Vindictus draws loosely upon Celtic legends that suggested that a mysterious goddess would reveal paradise to those who defeated the enemies of the state. In this case, the enemies in question are the..
Spotlight On - Vindictus
Vindictus draws loosely upon Celtic legends that suggested that a mysterious goddess would reveal paradise to those who defeated the enemies of the state. In this case, the enemies in question are the..
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