This is a guide to how to buying item from item mall.If you have just started playing Last Chaos, then this is the portion you should read.At the bottom right of your window in Last Chaos gold , you will click shop.This will give you the Item Mall window with all the items sold.
The first window that comes up is the Specials for that week. You must familiarize yourself with the items, so you will know what to buy.
The savings listed are if you were to buy them in a single unit, so do not let the prices confuse you now. That is why you should be familiar with the items sold.Even if you do not have ap, it is good to look through them and read what each item does.
I have had people ask what an item does and I tell them to go look in the Item Mall.Now if you got ap, here is how to make easy Last Chaos Gold.
Being patient is very important. LC will have items at 100% rebate at times. What "rebate" means is getting money back. So 100% rebate means that if you purchase their package that they announce for the 100% rebate, then anywhere from 2-4 weeks, you will get that ap back into your account.
So in a way, you are getting that item for free. If you buy a package that they offer for 799 ap, then in approximately 2-4 weeks, your account will be credited with 799 ap.
Then if it is 50% rebate or 25% rebate, you will be credited with that % also.They also have the buy one get one free or get 50% to 25% of the items. Example you buy their stated package for 799 in which they say you will get 50% of the items.
Normally, their is a 30 minute time frame to buy the stuff. The announcement may be from a 4 hour notice to a 1 minute notice. So you have to be on line and lucky to be on the time they announce the prize package giveaway.
Then you must buy their stated package in that 30 minute time frame. After the 30 minutes are up, then you must be on the 3 server in Last Chaos Gold.
That is if you are on Sarissa, you must be on Sarissa 3 server. Then you must be on the server 3, for at least 4 hours. The longest I have waited was 50 minutes. But that was probably because they had a raffle end the same time. But of the others, i have waited no longer then 15 minutes.
Then the one time they had the glitch and said it would be a day or two to hand out prizes. Well, it took them time, but they hunted me down too. lol Yea, GMAractron got me in the Prokion Temple and gave me the 25% package, so they get a big 5 jalapenos on that. Thought i was never going to get it by the way.
You also get a 10% ap bonus also. This is how it works. If you buy $20 ap, then in 90 days, you will get 10% back or 200 ap back. I will post later with pics on how to look for it and to get it back.
You can be credited but after 90 days you have to click certain things to get the ap or it will accumulate for you too. These do not "expire" so I will let mine accumulate for a long time then turn them in.
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