NOTE: Be aware of that armor with 6th seals are really not that good now. I have leveled without them but some people figure they have to have 6th seals. For example, there is the anti-stun armor 6 seal, but hate to tell you all, I would have rare use of it. If you notice it only gives you a 30% chance of resistance , it does NOT make you stun proof now. I just have my trusty potion of escape on my combat bar if I ever need it. Like the people with the 6th seal speed boots. Hmmm, all it might do is make you run away from the mob a little faster. I went in the tomb at the same time as this other player. I was trying to figure out how he could out run me, then i remembered he had said he had bought speed boots. But I still barely beat him to the Commanders. So the boots will not help him or me level any faster now. The only seals worth mentioning are the mp and hp recovering seals and the skill recovery seal. If you use a lot of mana it is nice to have a 30% recovery on mana. Then the skill recovery seal, then you are able to last chaos gold faster, which is really useful.
Remember also, THERE IS NO MORE 100% EVASION no more. READ the forum. But for me, i use a mix of MINIMUM of 1 defense and last last chaos gold most and the rest of the armor is evasion. Think about it. The evasion is at 70% now. So if you get ALL evasion armor, then that means some of the armor is "Not Working" so to speak. If you were to have 100% evasion, then 30% of the evasion is not used. So I figure that one defensive armor, MINIMUM, is more useful. That way when i do get hit, it is with less hit damage now. But do what you want now, but i suggest to have at least 1 defensive armor. One day, I need to go and figure out again, what evasion I have now. They have the formula on the forum, rather complicated but you can figure it out. Once i get it, I will definitely paste it here, then do the figuring on my evasion with the armor I have on so you can see what I mean.