Hi, my dear players, this is the Our website, we collect some guide on other site, hope you like. Have fun in Hero Online.
Coloured cases: Burning red-They give weapons only and they can be +3-+7.They cost anywhere between 200k-350k.They cost approx 1m to open.
Burning blue-They give weapons only and they can be +1-+3 ,They cost anywhere between 80k-175k.They cost approx 200k to open. Burning white-They give weapons only and they can be +1-+5 ,They cost anywhere between 110k-200k.They cost approx 500k to open.
Five element cases: These cases are the most common u get and u can get them from any monster.They cost 15k to open and can be sold for 10k-20k. The cases on opening can give the following: Ginseng. Dead spirit incense. 10k gold back. Coloured cases, for example: red,blue,white(flowin,burnin,glowin)
Glowing -Accessories(ring,amulet,bracelet,earring) same as burnin except they give accessories,and They cost lowest red-100k,white-80k-blue-50k.
Flowing-Armor same as burnin except they give armor(hero online gold). The above cases are only worth opening if u can take the loss,dun go openin every case u get if u poor and hope to get a rare out of it,u mite jus go bankrupt that way,
when your higher lvl(hero online gold) you automatically get rich ie when u get those cases from drops u got enuf gold to open from the crap u npc and u pick up,at lower lvs not suggested cause u cant use thoes items anyway the minimum lvl of item you can get is 36 so dun go mad openin even though ppl say open.
Thnaks for reading.