This is getting into some of the more complex ways to make your gold. To be able to buy low / sell high, Final Fantasy XIV will need an initial investment. I suggest at least 10 gold if not 50 - 100 gold. But, 10 gold will get you started.
Now, people are used to them being 90 silver and will not buy them for the first week. Also, you *must* have at least 3 - 5 items up at any given time for the price you have set. If they are not yours but are at 1 gold 80 silver, no problem. If someone puts them up for final fantasy xiv gil, immediately buy them out.
After about a week of doing this, people will start to accept that the price of a large glimmering shard is now 1.8g. Also, the people selling the shards will think that they have been selling at 1.8g, ffxiv gil so they will put them up for that amount as well. Now, all you have to do is sell off all of your large glimmering shards at 1.8g - you just made twice what you invested.
Now, it may seem that the buy low/sell high would work better - but, where it differs is that you set the price. Make sure to no more than double it at first. But, once the price is accepted at 90s, then you could do the same thing, this time at 3 gold. All the time, you have more and more ff14 gil glimmering shards. Sell those, and you have made 3x what you invested in the beginning.
Also, control more than one market. If you only control large glimmering shards, then you will only sell at a certain rate. Instead, control several markets. It can be anything - fish, ffxiv gil herbs, item. You could even decide to control the market for items level 30 - 40. That is, you buyout every item within that level range and then double the price. The people that level will need items, and they will have to buy from you.