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Great News For Everquest 2 Players

Do you know 16th March, 2011 was 12th anniversary of Everquest? If you're regular player of Everquest2, then you might have got the news earlier. You'll be excited by hearing that there will be some grand events introduced in this game later in March just to celebrate this occasion. Already many such events were taken place. For example, on the second day of its anniversary, there was special discounts on Consigned Armor package and on that day you could have got upgraded bracers, leggings, gloves, boots, helm, tunic or sleeves within 200sc. The game had something special on the Adventure pack on the 3rd day; on fourth day, there were some special Character slots and on fifth day, there were special on Marks of Bayle. So, keep yourself updated by checking the latest news on Everquest 2 forums.

Everquest 2(EverQuest2 Gold) is one of the hot online games played by the worldwide game enthusiasts. Hence, the developer and publisher of this game come up with many new attractions for the players to make the game a popular one. Besides them, there are many online stores that sell various Everquest 2 game items, in-game currency and power leveling at reasonable rate, so that players can enjoy the thrill and adventure of the game above any time constraint. Otherwise, applying strategies to farm as much as EQ2 Plat or EQ2 Gold is not easier for game amateurs, but can be cup of tea of professional players. Therefore, play Everquest 2 and also keep searching for these online stores to buy EQ2 Gold or EQ2 Plat whatever is required for you to get advanced to the next level in the game

[Source:admin] [Author:zqq] [Date:12-02-13] [Hot:]
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