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EU Dragonica: The Van Cliff Manor

Dear Dragonicans, 

We would like to take a moment to announce the future release of a new content patch; called the Van Cliff Manor update.

Our tale begins a little over 600 years ago...

After the Dragon Wars decimated the land and left its people broken and desolate; the proud denizens of Dragotaka began rebuilding their homes and their lives. Amidst the chaos of rebuilding their civilisation, many of Dragotaka's children - most of whom were now orphans - were forgotten by the rich and poor alike.

One of these forgotten children, going by the name of Blare, grew up with only one dream; Blare wanted to work his way out of his poverty stricken life and own a large manor house with enough money to live comfortably in his twilight years. His youth passed swiftly as he worked hard to achieve this goal and it wasn't long before Blare became a young man.

As he took stock of his new life as a man, Blare began to realise that Dragonica Gold through his diligent living he had managed to acquire a large fortune. Realising that he was finally able to fulfil his dreams, Blare purchased a large plot of land and built his dream home. Building his manor far from the nearest town, Blare enjoyed the quiet life surrounded by Dragonica Gold the welcoming forest and the Fungoids who lived there. At this time, the Fungoids still had good relations with the human people who entered their territory and allowed Blare to come and go as he pleased.

While Blare was content in his new life, this was not to last, before long he started to experience a strange sickness. The symptoms of this illness consisted of a discomfort in sunlight and a never-ending thirst which consumed his thoughts constantly. At night Blare could find no rest, tossing and Cheap Dragonica Gold turning restlessly until the sun's early morning light signalled that he could finally have some peace. Remaining indoors as much as possible, Blare became a hermit - cutting himself off from the rest of the world - it wasn't long before the memory of the young man named Blare faded. All those who knew him assumed that he had left to seek an even greater fortune elsewhere. This rumour spread and Cheap Dragonica Gold became accepted as the truth. When a wealthy man named Van Cliff arrived and moved into the Manor - this further confirmed that Blare had left for good.


[Source:Gamebuynow] [Author:Gamebuynow] [Date:10-09-29] [Hot:]
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