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Dark age of Camelot:Gem Cutting Guide

Welcome to our website.Here i collect the gem cutting guide and want to share it with Dark age of Camelot players. Hope it is helpful for your adventure. Each recipe needs a gem and a kit, the gem is a body drop and the kit is bought from Merhcants in the harvesting areas (Lachish Plains, Potain, and Purple Lotus Swamp).

Where to get Gems in DAOC Platinum

Gems drop off any humanoid mobs, the following level ranges drop the following tiers

Tier 1 - level 40-49 - Field of the Dead or Noble District
Tier 2 - level 50-59 - Eiglophian Mountains
Tier 3 - level 60-69 - Thunder River, Atzel's Approach
Tier 4 - level 70-74 - Atzel's Approach, Keshatta
Tier 5 - level 75-79 - Keshatta
Tier 6 - level 80+ - Keshatta (gems are listed as lvl75)

Note: The Villas in Noble District drop gems that scale with your level. Four of the five villas drop the gems, the one that does not is Villa Camillus.

Gem Size

Each crafted item will have a gem size, this size is the maximum size a SINGLE gem can be.

As for gems, you have to divide their size by 5 for it to correspond with their actual size. Therefore, flawless gems are really size 2 and uncut are size 1.

Adding to Items

To add a gem to an item the first thing you have to do is check both the items and gem level. In order for a gem to fit in an item its level has to be equal or lower to the weapons level.

Warning: You cannot recover gems from an item once it has been socketed, nor can you overwrite a gem currently socketed in an item in DAOC Platinum.

Make sure both the item and the gem are in your inventory (NOT equipped).

Select the gem, the items that the gem can be added to will be surrounded with a green border.

Drag and drop the gem onto the selected item.

Stacking of effects currently works, however, this may get changed in the future.

Note: it takes a few seconds for the game to register that a gem was been placed on an item.

Obtaining Gem Effects

What do I mean by this? Well currently there is a bug where if you zone or login with a gemmed item equiped its effects do not apply to you in DAOC Platinum. Well that is not completely true. Currently what happens is the game registers the bonuses as being on you, but doesn't give you the effects in the situation where you enter a new zone with a socketed item equipped.


[Source:Gamebuynow] [Author:Gamebuynow] [Date:10-09-08] [Hot:]
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