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Skill Raising in C9

In C9 Online, some of these skills are tempting, so some players may be try to teach their Hero and Merc’s every skill available to them, and some skills are Hero only. But that is not a really good idea, and here are two reason for that, have a look.

1) Mana. In the cast of the Monks protection spell. That is auto cast at the start of your turn. The higher in level. it is the more mana it eats. Meaning you’ll be sitting alot or chugging a lot of C9 Gold.

2) Deluded Characters. You get 1 skill point per level.Teaching and raising skills causes them all to be rather weak. As you are spreading points between skills instead of focusing it into one. So where as your Swordsman level 40 Flame Sword is doing 480 damage. Your Swordsman level 28 Flame Sword is doing 200 C9 Online Gold. Because you dumped the rest of your points into DarkSeed and Guard Dispel. Stay Focused, and plan ahead. The books to remove skills points are expensive, and they only remove one point at time.

That is the average of the 5 contributing factors, such as commerce, industry, culture, health, and security. The contributing factors are capped at 100. The contributing factors for satisfaction are calculated by (current point value)/(population/1,000).

EX: London has 209,135 population and 820/845 commerce
820/(209135/10000) = 39.2

Population leaves town = 100 - satisfaction rate, but never less than 10.

Higher satisfaction rate means less people leave town and you have a better chance at increasing population.You may be should buy some C9 Gold,if you have no.

Speculation - an immigrant is generated from your town every time an immigrant is generated/recruited to come to your town.

Speculation - the higher your satisfaction, the more likely an immigrant will be created with your town as the destination.

Speculation - immigrants appear to be generated in waves game-daily.

[Source:gamebuynow] [Author:gamebuynow] [Date:10-12-24] [Hot:]
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