What are the goals of Hells Angels? Are you a casual PvE guild? Hardcore PvP? Raiding?
We are now going through the first stage of our Guild development. We are all power leveling and getting a fell for one another and forming close bonds between guild mates. Our ultimate goal is the be a very powerful guild to fight against the scourge called “League” as it is a plague upon the Allods Gold. Ultimately we want to be very strong in PvP and support the PvE by becoming familiar with each and every quest line out there.
The Hells Angels was founded and formed by Whisperingi, Yoatson, Isotopes and Emotab. We all were in a guild that had been formed by a guy that was on the first day but, then he never came back to Allods Online Gold. The members all waited patiently with out the ability to invite people or move forward with direction so, one day we all went to Yasker’s Tower and formed the guild ” Hells Angels”. The name was chosen after tossing several around like Hells Spawn, Zombie Land and Deaths Gate but when “Hells Angels” was suggested it just rang out and we all decided on it.
What are the people of Hells Angels like?