RF news
Descriptions of Class in RF Online
Each class have their own advantages which must be taken in to consideration before choosing what you wish your character to be.The Warrior is a superb close quarter combat player being able to take a..
Bellato Society in Bellato in RF Online
RF Online Gold being taken much more seriously by Bellateans).RF Online Gold A House. Several networks can intertwine, of course, but the core of every one of them is a powerful and identifiable famil..
Skill Handbook Of Perfect World PVP
RF Online Gold PVP:Channel: 1.5 secondsCast: 0.8 secondsCooldown: 3.0 secondsRF Online Gold) is the most basic of basics. You summon a burning card, you throw it at them, maybe yell the Gambit line of..
Ancient Armor Set and Stats of RF
RF Global that there is such items and they will not tell people about the recipe. What does a full suit of palmas (+ 2 rings) do anyway? from Alfred of Elite RF:RF online. Thank you for reading! We r..
Combination Guide in RF
RF. We just give it a summary, hope it can drive your attention.RF Online Gold). Green Excelsior: Bow Type Weapons. Red Excelsior: Firearm Type Weapons. Yellow Excelsior: Launcher Type Weapons. Blue E..
RF Online Cross Classing Guide
RF Online .RF Online Gold ?This can be done at your race Hero, going to see this NPC allows you to Re-define your class; this costs RF Online Gold with the cost increasing each time it takes place. Or..
Some Accretia Tips for RF Character
RF Player, and we sincerely hope it can help you more or less. And our site has collected the information on other site.RF Online Gold) 40. Now, Gladius is great. Gladius has both a defensive skill th..
Codemasters pulls plug on RF Online
RF Online in Europe and North America.RF Online Gold is due to expire shortly and unfortunately, despite several weeks of negotiations with CCR, the Korean developers of the title, we have not been ab..
RF Animus Leveling Methods
RF Online Gold to handle in the game, maybe that??s why I chose this class and Summoners really do take so much of your time. Many players are complaining and asking on how to level up their Animi fas..
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