This is where Lunia falls flat on its face. This is the dark spot.
Graphics in Lunia are "mushy", with geometric shapes for objects and some character features than more realistic shapes. Detail is a moot point here-on my Eir i can barely distinguish her nose from the rest of her face.
However the general picture is very colorful, and some of the most powerful attacks have very detailed and exceptionally beautiful graphics. There's a wide variety of colors-no black and white or 8-bit colors here.
Bottom Line: Graphics are above average at best, Lunia Gold and subpar at worst.
Final Grade: 6/10
Gameplay: The most important part of any MMORPG. Lunia plays beautifully. The combat system is made of ground and air combos, either of which are equally effective in beating the living snot out of enemies and players alike. The combat system is one of the deepest I have ever seen on an MMORPG.
The PvE portion is divided up into six "episodes" of ten "stages" each, with a unique boss at the end of the stage. A player can gather up to three others to move through the stage, or they can show off their proness and solo the entire stage-Lunia doesn't force you to choose one or the other.
Recently allm introduced the concept of "rebirth" into Lunia, adding in a whole new layer of depth to the game. Rebirthing multiple times grants the player higher base stats as well as access to aptly termed "rebirth skills," which are often more powerful versions of regular attacks.
PvP starts in the lobby of one of the four PvP classes-Beginners, Balance, Free, or Rebirth. There the player can access the entire list of rooms, waiting or already in progress, Lunia Gold and can pick a room to fight in or to watch the ensuing battle.
PvP takes a fair amount of skill more than PvE, as air combos do less damage as they grow longer(popularly known as "combo decay" or simply decay). In addition a player can choose not to use air combos and simply fire off any spell they think of, known throughout the community as spamming. The game itself doesn't force upon the player either style of play-its up to you to pick one.