The Best Method
1. Equip a fishing rod.
2. Face the water and open the bait window by right clicking the rod.
3. Place bait in the bait window.
4. Turn away from the water.
5. Press Start Fishing. An error will appear, press OK.
6. Face the water again, and right click the personal store item to open your store.
7/8. Press Open Store and Start Fishing Lunia Gold in either order.
Alternate Method #1
1. Start fishing.
2. Wait for the fishing bar to freeze (happens randomly).
3. Right click the personal store item. You must do this step before the fishing bar unfreezes.
Alternate Method #2
1. Go to the cash item inventory tab.
2. Equip a fishing rod.
3. Left click and hold the left mouse button down on the fishing rod Lunia Gold. Do not release the mouse button until instructed.
4. Hover the mouse over your inventory (you should be dragging the fishing rod icon).
5. Hover the mouse over where the rod is equipped while the left mouse button is still down and press the right mouse button. This will open the bait window.
6. Drag the mouse over an empty inventory slot and release the left mouse button. This will unequip the rod.
7. Place bait in the bait window.
8. Press "Start Fishing" on the bait window. A message will appear saying you must equip a fishing rod.
9. Equip the fishing rod.
10. Right click the personal store item to open the store.
11/12. Press Open Store and Start Fishing in either order.