Many people see the problem because of the infinite entangled upgrade,Champions Online today I would sum up the experience to help you.
Slow to upgrade to say, this no one must admit the fact that a virtual certainty, but also necessary Imagine if, as some non-brain sprayer said, even after 25 as fast as 25 before the upgrade, then Who will go get equipment? Well, if not get equipment, you hit the back of the strange move? Equipped with 20, hit 50 of this? I believe that the operation flow, but I do not believe that values can be so foolish as to this point. This way, you rushed to 50, is not to play 20 maze of back material making Champions Online Gold get it? Would not that be more stupid design? Each stage has a goal is not the best Why?
Okay, I admit I am a little excited. Just can not think of a fast food used to playing the game how did people think the game all the content within a month open for you to play, and then you will play Why? Please do not insult the intelligence of the designer.
This version does a lot of problems, some places I am depressed, but see the old players out of Bibi Champions Gold, seal with the first test, when Bibi, at that time even leveling Why do not know, at least give you a target right? I feel very good speed, not slow slow.
Actual as follows, please sprayer themselves analyze it for you, even if you move a bit toes, think about it, if you rushed to 50 a week, they found the body still wearing level 20 gear was what this game is ideas.