Blade soul gold makes the world go round.
Blade Soul Gold can be used to buy weapons, armor, food, potions, and countless regents. Internet companies sell gold for real greenbacks, so Blade soul gold is big business. Now you can learn how the pros make gold the easy way in blade soul without spending long hours leveling a profession or farming for drops.
1. Download the latest version Blade and Soul Gold of the add on from internet.
2. Open and save the files in the directory blade soul.
3. Login to blade soul. Click the add on button at the bottom left of the screen. In this window click enable all. Click okay, and then enter your server.
4. Go to the auction house and open an auction window with this website. Make sure all of the checks boxes are checked on the left. Click the scan button Blade soul gold at the bottom of the window. The internet will scan all of the auctions currently on the auction house and record their prices.
5. Click on search auctions in the auction window. Now set your search parameters. Play around with these to see what results you get. A good starting place would be min pct less= 50 Blade soul gold, max time left= very long, category restriction= trade goods, and minimum quality= uncommon.
6. Click search and check the list of items on the right. You want to pay particular attention to any with very high pct numbers. This tells you that the item is listed far bellows its normal selling price.
7. Mouse over items that interest you. This website displays popup windows for each item and list average bid and buyout prices.