However, the stones needed to enchant it will always remain one ahead of what the item you're plussing is. Enchanting two normals requires 1 stone, enchanting two +1's will require 2 stones, enchanting two +3's will require 4 stones, and so on and so forth.
Atlantica Online Gold Enchanting never fails from what I gather, and I've never see it fail personally, so I doubt it can. This is the most common method in Atlantica Online Gold to obtain better items. When you "enchant" something, it melds some of the items stats together to produce a higher quality item. Also remember, use corresponding stones, weapons for weapons, armor for armor, accessory for rings.
Think of enchanting like fusing items - they grow in potency, but they don't compound exponentially (meaning two +1's into a +2 won't do double the damage) but it will amp up the damage noticeably, as well as stat bonuses, evasion ratings, and defense (such as on armor). I recommend enchanting over buying whole new sets, as constantly gearing into +0's (normal items) doesn't always make it worth spending the money - just keep compounding on the armor. Heck, some of my frontline tanks at 62 are using +8 rakshasa stuff (level 25). Enchanting is very handy for this!
Next, we'll talk about Enhancing.
Enhancing is different from Enchanting insofar as you do not need an equivalent sacrificial item to enchant it, but with enhancing comes a 50% risk (I've heard it was lessened, but I'm skeptical) of failing and breaking the item. Enhancing comes from Vulcanus in Rome's Bazaar district - but the stones you need to Enhance are different, and are even called so (weapon enhance stone, armor enhance stone, accessory enhance stone). Note that if you do not have Rome's map information, there golden arches on the right hand side of the screen denoting Rome's districts - Plaza, Bazaar, etc. Vulcanus is in the bazaar, hang a right after you teleport in.
The "it will require always 1 extra stone ahead of what you're enchanting" rule still applies here, so enhancing to a +1 takes 2 stones, +2 takes 3, etc. Be forewarned that the breaking percentage I've experienced like mentioned is close to 50%, if not a little under in Atlantica Online Gold.