aoc news
Letter from the Game Director
Age of Conan Game Director Craig Morrison is here!aoc gold through the new Xibaluku dungeon with the dev team over the last few weeks and I wanted to share a little more in terms of what you can expec..
In service to a king
buy aoc game.aoc gold he had been sent on missions for his king, youth gracing each step, strength and powerful assuredness in his demeanor. But those years were gone. The king had aged, he had aged a..
Age of Conan Leveling Guide 60-80
Age of Conan Crafting is pretty straight forward. The professions available are alchemist, weaponsmith, armorsmith, gemcutter, and architect.aoc gold , the armorsmith makes armor, and the architect ma..
Age of Conan Leveling Guide 40-60
Age of Conan Leveling Guide 40-60aoc gold .aoc gold game.I loved the atmosphere in the zone, except that it seemed like I always played there when it was night, dark and gritty, but what do you expect..
Age of Conan Cunning Feat Ability
aoc gold) - Cunning feat has changed. It is now 2 feats rather than 3. It now grants an ability that gives you -2%/-5% hate while active. It is now a stance toggle effect so can be turned on and off r..
What You Should Not Do in Age of Conan
AOC in other site, hope it can help you more or less.aoc gold.aoc gold.aoc gold On a related note, do not make parody threads, especially centered on hot topics. They are probably not funny and a good..
Age of Conan:Gem Cutting Guide
Age of Conan and want to share it with players.aoc gold (Lachish Plains, Potain, and Purple Lotus Swamp).aoc goldTier 2 - level 50-59 - Eiglophian MountainsTier 3 - level 60-69 - Thunder River, Atzels..
Rogues in Age of Conan
Age of Conan in other site, hope it can help you more or less.aoc gold) to their victims, before they slink back into the shadows from whence they came. They can use cloth armor, silk armor, daggers a..
Check out Your build in Age of Conan
AOC players, hope it can help you more or less.AOC(aoc gold) that can pull agro and get the team killed fast. Now granted you can wait till tank has agro and you can stop shooting when new npcs run in..
The Guide for Stating in Age of Conan
AOC players, hope it can help you more or less.aoc gold is closing out over half their servers does sound like a fairly doom and gloom sort of announcement, I will give the naysayers that. The vast ar..
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