<% GorI = Request.QueryString("type") if GorI = "" or GorI = Empty then GorI = "g" elseif GorI = "i" then GorI = "i" end if GameName = "12sky2" Response.Cookies("Gamebuynow")("GameName") = GameName set getGameID = myconn.execute("select SortID,PageName from GameInfoTb where SortName='"&GameName&"' and ParentID=0") if not getGameID.eof then GameID = getGameID("SortID") PageName = getGameID("PageName") Response.Cookies("Gamebuynow")("PageName") = PageName&".html" else response.Write "Can't find the game." response.End() end if getGameID.close() set getGameID = nothing %>
Home > <%=GameName%>

<% set rs=myconn.execute("select SortID,GoldInfo,GoldDisplay,ItemInfo,ItemDisplay,PowerInfo,PowerDisplay,SelltousInfo,SelltousDisplay,IntroductionInfo,IntroductionDisplay,PromotionsInfo,PromotionsDisplay,KeyWordLinkInfo,KeyWordLinkDisplay,AutoID from SellInfoTb where SortID="&GameID&"") if not rs.eof then ItemDisplay = rs("ItemDisplay") PowerDisplay = rs("PowerDisplay") SelltousDisplay = rs("SelltousDisplay") SelltousInfo = rs("SelltousInfo") IntroductionInfo = rs("IntroductionInfo") IntroductionDisplay = rs("IntroductionDisplay") PromotionsInfo = rs("PromotionsInfo") PromotionsDisplay = rs("PromotionsDisplay") KeyWordLinkInfo = rs("KeyWordLinkInfo") KeyWordLinkDisplay = rs("KeyWordLinkDisplay") end if rs.close() set rs=nothing Response.Write "" if ItemDisplay = 1 then Response.Write "" end if 'if PowerDisplay = 1 then ' Response.Write "" 'end if %>
<% if PromotionsDisplay = 1 then Response.Write "
" Response.Write "
" end if %>
<% FstFlag = 0 set server_rs=myconn.execute("select SortID,SortName from GameInfoTb where ParentID="&GameID&" order by ServerOrderID") do while not server_rs.eof if FstFlag = 0 then Response.Write "" FstFlag = server_rs("SortID") else Response.Write "" end if server_rs.movenext loop server_rs.close() set server_rs =nothing if GorI = "i" then Response.Write "" end if myconn.close() set myconn = nothing %>
<% if IntroductionDisplay = 1 then response.Write IntroductionInfo end if %>
<% if KeyWordLinkDisplay = 1 then response.Write ""&KeyWordLinkInfo&"" end if %>